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Motor Magasinet

"Selected Car Group and a Norwegian IT giant are joining forces to develop a new compliance tool for the financial industry."


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"Norwegian Visma acquires Danish legaltech company with a strong emphasis on compliance and anti-money laundering efforts."


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"Patrick Teglstrup Rasmussen, who is already managing director of Visma Rating, will now also be head of Visma Creditro."


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"Norwegian IT giant buys Danish company with solution for preventing financial crime."



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"Patrick T. Rasmussen now jumps into the leadership jersey for Visma Creditro."



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Erhvervsliv Esbjerg

"We pay tribute to this year's owner manager, startup finalist and great Esbjerg successes."



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"Norwegian IT giant on acquisition in Esbjerg: Young tech company sold to billion-dollar group."



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"Patrick T. Rasmussen will in future be at the head of Visma's recently purchased company Creditro, which has developed software for the prevention of money laundering and fraud."

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See our latest blogpost down below:


AML red flags you need to know about

For businesses who are fighting money laundering and financial crime, it is a big task to spot the crooks. Here are some red flags you should act on.

Product News

Specialised consulting with Creditro

We now offer assistance for anything from policies & procedures, to training & education and quality control of the compliance work in your company.

Product News

Customised templates for risk assessments

Our customers can now create differentiated and customised templates for risk assessments, to match their service and client types.