
Integrations made easy

Our platform comes with API integrations, that easily fit your existing systems. Establish smooth workflows, that allow your employees to focus on the task at hand.

visma 3031


With the Monthio integration, you can perform creditworthiness assessments directly within Creditro Comply.

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Unik Advosys

Create a case in Advosys and continue your work in Creditro Comply with ease and efficiency.

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The integration gives you a comprehensive KYC overview directly within the e-conomic platform.

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With the Dinero integration, you can drag your debitors to monitoring, and stay updated on changes.

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Legis 365-3

Legis 365

Full KYC integration for a seamless experience. Effortlessly manage and handle cases directly in Legis 365.

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Get the most out of your Creditro solution

Our setup allows you to get all our functions and unique data directly into your system. Everything we develop for your company will be available as a web application and an API solution.

Smooth integration

We have created software for automating procedures. API components allow different platforms, applications, and systems to share information, making it easy to streamline integrations. 

Optimising your use case

Work smarter, not harder. You will optimise your applications' functionality and usability, by using our integrations. It's technology that works with you - not against you. 


Let Creditro do the manual work for you. Don't waste your time shuffling between manual processes and/or different systems. API integrations enable you to spend time on the actual tasks at hand.

Access as you please

We firmly believe that compliance should be easy. Access all of our services via a browser, from any location and device. All that's required is an internet connection.

Data Partners


Creditro Comply

KYC Compliance made fast, secure and systematic

Everything gathered on a clear and user-friendly platform. Documentation always in accordance with applicable legislation.

Comply EN
Assess EN

Creditro Assess

Automatic credit assessment and bankruptcy notification

Make informed decisions and be notified of bad payers, bankruptcies and fraudulent companies and avoid losses, debt collection and wasted work hours.

Embrace our KYC technology and stay
ahead of the game

Save time on demanding KYC/AML processes. Book a demo where we go through our solution based on your company’s needs.

Silas + Edis

Need clarification?

What is an API?

An Application Programming Interface (API) is an interface that facilitates communication between two or more software applications. With an API, clients can use an interface to request something from an app, such as Creditro Comply.

Then, the application will pass the data to an API, which will interpret the information and provide a response. An API converts the returned data into something that the user can understand. This way, the API solution enables several programs to work together, and our platform can therefore be easily integrated into your systems so that the employees in your company only need to work in one system.

What is an example of API?

An API can be seen as a waiter connecting the customer to the kitchen, ensuring that the order get's through to the kitchen - get's interpreted correctly - and the correct food is received.

So, when you want to acces and make requests to your Creditro platform, the API integration can be thought of as the waiter making sure that your order is interpreted correctly.

What does API stand for?

API stands for Application Programming Interface. In this instance, the word Application refers to any given third-party software – for example a Creditro system, such as Creditro Comply.

Think of interface as a contract of service between different applications. This contract defines how the applications communicate using requests and responses. Their API documentation contains information on how developers are to structure those requests and responses.