Creditro's blog

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3 min read

What is ODD?

The ODD "Ordinary Due Diligence" is part of a series of concepts covering the checks that companies subject to the Money Laundering Act carry out in...

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KYC: Know your customer requirements

What are the KYC requirements? Is it everyone who is obligated to perform a KYC check? And if not – which companies are obligated to do so and why?...

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What is PEP?

PEP stands for a politically exposed person. These people are involved in politics or hold high government office. It is a person with a high-ranking...

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3 min read

What is money laundering, and how does it work?

The term may be over 100 years old – but it still begs the question: what is money laundering exactly? How do we spot it and how do we prevent it?...

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2 min read

What is CDD?

CDD stands for 'Customer Due Dilligence'. CDD is a crucial term due to the Money Laundering Act. To the same extent as the KYC concept, CDD is an aid...

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2 min read

What is Customer Screening?

The term Customer Screening is most often used in the financial sector when talking about knowing customers - however, it rarely stands alone. There...

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What your company needs to know about money laundering

Did you know that money laundering is punishable already from the first stage? And that there are 3 phases? Money laundering is when you make illegal...

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2 min read

What is terrorist financing and how does it work?

Terrorist financing is collecting, transferring, or passing on money as a form of support for terrorist activities. Therefore, terrorist financing...

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2 min read

Why CDD is essential for companies subject to AML legislation

In 2020, a new money laundering directive was issued, which was called AML 5. This new directive emphasised that companies were now forced to move to...

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