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How we handle
your data

Your trust is our top priority. We are committed to developing solutions that are reliable and secure, allowing you to confidently entrust your anti-money laundering compliance to us.

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Our clients conduct over +15.000 monthly KYC checks with Creditro
Martinsen Logo PWC Logo Beierholm Logo Njord Law Firm Logo Advodan logo

ISAE 3000-statement

Each year, we have an ISAE 3000 statement prepared, which verifies that we handle personal data in complete compliance with GDPR.

The statement is prepared by an independent third party and confirms that Visma Creditro complies with the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation, relevant EU regulations, national legislation, and the content of our data processing agreement.


Compliance Board

Our compliance board ensures that our platform and services comply with the requirements of the anti-money laundering law. The team of experts is dedicated to combating money laundering.

Marie Søgaard

Compliance Officer
Selected Car Leasing

Frans Skovholm

Dahl Advokater

Sune Gabelgaard
Sune Gabelgård

Fraud Manager
EPI Company

Authorized Credit Reporting Agency

Visma Creditro is officially approved as a credit reporting agency by the Danish Data Protection Agency. This ensures that our services adhere to the highest standards of data protection and transparency.

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Find out more about
how we manage security

Let's simplify your
compliance work

Compliance can be cumbersome, but it's essential. We assist you in completing the task in a straightforward and efficient manner, giving you time for other valuable tasks.

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