Creditro's blog

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What is PEP?

PEP stands for a politically exposed person. These people are involved in politics or hold high government office. It is a person with a high-ranking...

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What is money laundering, and how does it work?

The term may be over 100 years old – but it still begs the question: what is money laundering exactly? How do we spot it and how do we prevent it?...

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What is CDD?

CDD stands for 'Customer Due Dilligence'. CDD is a crucial term due to the Money Laundering Act. To the same extent as the KYC concept, CDD is an aid...

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What is Customer Screening?

The term Customer Screening is most often used in the financial sector when talking about knowing customers - however, it rarely stands alone. There...

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What your company needs to know about money laundering

Did you know that money laundering is punishable already from the first stage? And that there are 3 phases? Money laundering is when you make illegal...

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What is terrorist financing and how does it work?

Terrorist financing is collecting, transferring, or passing on money as a form of support for terrorist activities. Therefore, terrorist financing...

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Why CDD is essential for companies subject to AML legislation

In 2020, a new money laundering directive was issued, which was called AML 5. This new directive emphasised that companies were now forced to move to...

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What is an RCA?

RCA stands for "Relatives and Close Associates" and is related to PEP, Politically Exposed Persons. But how are they defined? And why is it important...

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3 min read

Are you ready for financial crisis

The concept of financial crisis is gradually being promoted in the media, all the while the big banks are starting to encourage air in the budget...

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