Digital signature
in 2 minutes with Creditro Sign

Say goodbye to manual signatures and hello to digital efficiency. Sign any document, anywhere, without any legal concerns.


Digital signature
in 2 minutes with Creditro Sign

Say goodbye to manual signatures and hello to digital efficiency.
Sign any document, anywhere, without worrying about compliance.


Video Walkthrough

See How Creditro Sign Works

Take a quick tour of the solution and see for yourself
how Sign can simplify your signature processes.

More than 900 companies have made the secure choice

Cut response times from weeks to minutes

3 simple steps to securely get your documents signed

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Upload the PDF document that needs to be signed to the platform, and add the document name, the method of invitation, and the due date.

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Enter the names, email addresses, and phone numbers of the individuals who need to receive and sign the agreement document.


The agreement document is sent to the signing parties. You will be notified once the signing is completed.

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In full compliance

Proof of document access, review, and signature can be viewed directly within the platform.


Mobile, Tablet & Computer

Reduce response time, increase conversion rates, and enhance the experience by allowing signers to sign on any device.

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Simple and intuitive

Creditro Sign simplifies signing with a user-friendly and intuitive interface that doesn't require technical expertise.

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Send your document to
one or more signers

Adding multiple signers to your document is a simple and easy process. Allows you to involve more stakeholders in the process.

Set deadlines and
automatic reminders

Say goodbye to the hassle of manual follow-ups and enjoy a more efficient workflow with Creditro Sign's automatic reminder feature.

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Overview - EN-1Clear overview of
the signing process

Easily gain a clear overview of the status of the documents you've sent for signing in a quick and straightforward manner.

Authenticate with MitID

A secure identification and signature process that ensures documents
are always signed by the right person.

How Creditro Sign can optimise your workflows

Our software is the perfect solution for businesses looking to optimise their document signing process while maintaining a high level of security and compliance.

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Filtering System

Easily navigate and stay on top of your signature processes with a clear overview. Filter and quickly find specific documents with ease.

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Advanced Security

Secure, legally-binding signatures with the highest level of data security in accordance with GDPR.
Check out our data protection policy and ISAE3000 certification here.

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Document storage

Gather, organise, and manage all your signatures through Creditro Sign - afterward, you can easily download and share the documents.

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Email documents for instant signature and return. After sending your signature request, everything runs automatically.


Environmentally conscious

Make a positive impact on the environment with digital signatures - reduce paper waste and carbon footprint while increasing efficiency and convenience.

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Gathered in one platform

If you use Creditro Comply & Creditro Assess, everything i consolidated in one browser window, eliminating the need for multiple separate apps & browser windows.

What our
customers have to say

Our digitised signature solution has helped countless professionals streamline their document signing process, increasing their efficiency, reducing errors and ensuring compliance with industry regulations

  • Frame-1

    “It helps us to feel more secure. We are sure that we have the documentation required to comply with the rules in terms of AML documentation.”

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    “It is significantly easier to onboard new customers. I have a checklist that I can follow. Much of the communication happens completely automatically,”

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    “We've improved a lot on our compliance, and we've also got some pretty cool credit reports on our customers for internal use, so that's an added bonus”

Pricing for Creditro Sign

The effortless solution to have your signatures,
sent out for signing in less than 2 minutes.

Creditro Sign

Prices starting at 1.000,- dkk

  • Checkmark Simple & Secure signing with MitID
  • Checkmark Save time getting your signatures done.
  • Checkmark Easily store your signed documents in the platform.
  • Checkmark Navigate effortlessly and stay on top of your signature processes.
  • Checkmark Send your document to one or more signers.
  • Checkmark Set deadlines and automatic reminders.
  • Checkmark Allow signing on mobile, tablet and desktop.

Talk with a
Sales Agent about
Creditro Sign

Learn more about how you can optimise your workflows with Sign.

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